So this morning I dropped Logan off at daycare. Usually my husband Matt drops him off and I pick him up. After getting him in his room, I kissed him on his forehead and told him “bye”. What a HUGE mistake that was! He got up screaming, crying and chasing after me. So of course because I felt so bad I had to stick around for a few more minutes. After several more attempts to sneak out, his daycare teacher and I took him and another child to look at the fish Gilbert. While he was busy admiring Gilbert and telling him stories I attempted sneak out one last time. He spotted me and the screaming began again. I felt like the worst mom ever! There is no better way to tug at my heartstrings than hearing Logan scream in between cries “moooommmmm!!” I told myself just keep going, walk out the door. After 2 years of daycare drop off it’s not still easy. I got in my car and I felt like the worst person. Then I reminded myself that he would be fine in 5 minutes. Matt and I always talk about how other parents just drop off their kids and go. Their kids do not cry or scream, we are often jealous of these parents because their drop off is so easy. Then I remind myself one day he will just get off the car for school and won’t say goodbye or give me a kiss. So I will take the tortuous drop offs everyday and enjoy the screaming “mooooommm!!” while I can.

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