

Morning everyone!!! Happy Friday!

I have struggled since I had my son 2 years with some pounds that I absolutely cannot lose!!! It is so frustrating; it is a constant battle between me and the scale. So recently I went through a very difficult breakup. My scale and I parted ways, it’s better for me to not let numbers on define who I am.

When I finally realized I needed to something help keep me be healthier but not add more work for myself. I looked into Shakeology. After looking at the price I immediately thought NO WAY! There is no way we can spend that much on a shake.  A few more weeks passed and I kept thinking maybe this does have some benefits that I need to look into. So I did what any person would do now a day, I Googled Shakeology. I was astonished to see all the posts about the benefits Shakeology has and how it has improved people’s lives.  Through my research I found that Shakeology is made from the finest whole-food sources in the world. I also found that Shakeology was made with 70+ ingredients, I knew that I did not get 70+ ingredients in my diet a day. I also knew I was ready to make a change in the way I ate; I was hoping this was the answer.

So, what has Shakeology done for me?

  • I have more energy!  Within one week of drinking Shakeology, I noticed a huge increase in my energy levels
  • It keeps me full for 2- 2 ½ hours. Which is perfect because with clean eating you want to eat every 2-3 hours
  • It tastes delicious! I usually put a cup of frozen fruit, ¼ cup of plain Greek yogurt, 1 tsp of natural peanut butter, ice and 10 oz of water with a scoop of chocolate Shakeology.
  • It definitely curbs my sweet tooth, which is good since I have a huge sweet tooth!
  • me with shakeo
Other challengers have listed the following benefits to Shakeology:
  • Stronger hair and nails
  • More energy and feel healthier
  • Save money by not eating out during the day

Honestly, it is one meal a day that I don’t even have to think about! It’s so easy in the morning to whip up my shake; it takes less than 5 minutes.  It’s fast; it’s easy, and it takes the guessing out of my busy mornings. With all of this, I have reflected on how my life looks with my 80/20 clean eating lifestyle.  I mean, a few months ago, I was frustrated and not seeing results from my efforts, I would have immediately quit and just gotten back on a bad trend with my diet.  A few sweets here, some ice cream there, and some diet cokes in between. Honestly, today, I am still tempted by those things, but I know how they make feel and this is gross.

When I found clean eating, I realized there was another way to live!  I always thought clean eating was so expensive and we could never afford it. We should really be asking ourselves why unhealthy foods are so inexpensive. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Clean eating gives you a way to eat good, wholesome, and yummy food and get healthy!  Sure everyone wants to lose weight, but it’s more important to build healthy habits. Sure there are days when I feel hungrier than others, but overall, I am so happy with the choices I have made!  Choices to eat whole foods or what I like to call God made foods, very little processed foods, and to replace one meal a day with Shakeology.  I have lost 7lbs and 4 inches over the last month with regular exercise and clean eating.  And now my mission is to help others discover this type of lifestyle and do the same!


And there are so many things you can do with it!!! Like making Shakeo energy balls and cookies…absolutely delicious!

I know that you are just like I was in the beginning; there are a ton of people who are skeptical about Shakeology. I have always loved shakes but I did not want to spend money on one I was sure to dislike! Well this one I love! I have committed to improving the health in myself and the health of family.

Ways to try Shakeology:

  1. You can buy the Super Sampler pack for $29! This will give you 6 different Shakeology flavors in 1 box. (This special will be over soon)
  2. You can purchase a Shakeology Cleanse for $55 to jump-start your weight loss or break bad habits.
  3. You can sign up for Shakeology HD (Home Direct) which gives you free shipping and automatically ships your Shakeology to you every month. There is also a 30 day money back bottom of the bag guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your Shakeology you can send it back and Beachbody will refund your money.
  4. You can buy Shakeology in the bags this will give you 24 individual bags. Both the bag and individual bags are the same price.

Super Sampler


Individual Bags

 shakeo individual bags

Shakeology bags

shakeo bags

Shakeology Home Direct

When you purchase Shakeology HD (home direct) you get a month’s supply of Shakeoloy. You will also receive a 30 day month calendar with different recipes for each Shakeology flavor. With your HD order you will receive free shipping as well. You will also have the peace of mind knowing that you are creating a nutrient rich meal that you do not need to think about. If you do not feel the benefits of Shakeology you can return it within 30 days for a full refund less the shipping and handling.


How does it work?

You contact me through my email or leave a comment on this page. If you do not have an account or a coach you can sign up for FREE! If you are interested in being part of one of my private groups, you would need buy any of the options listed Ways to try Shakeology section.

I will be providing you with a sample clean eating meal plan and grocery list, daily tips to start making healthier choices, snack ideas, lists of good sources of protein, carbs, fruits and veggies plus the foods you should stay away from! You can replace any meal with shakeology and I suggest choosing the meal that you struggle with the most!  For me it’s breakfast because I’m usually trying to get my son ready for daycare and get myself ready and get out the door. Whatever works best for you is what you choose!



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