21 Day Fix


With the 21 Day Fix, losing weight has never been simpler—or faster! Anyone can have success with
this simple program. The guess-work is literally taken out for you! With our busy schedules this is a must!

What is the 21 Day Fix?

  •  A 21 day program of simple nutrition coupled with 30 minutes workouts that anyone of any fitness level
  • Simple, fast weight loss, no counting calories, carbs or points

Why is the 21 Day Fix so unique?

  • Portion control containers take all the guess-work out of weight loss
  • It’s the easiest way to lose weight
  • 30 minute workouts than anyone can do no matter what how busy you are

What is included in the 21 Day Fix?

  • 7 color coded portion control containers
  • Recipe guide that shows you exactly what to eat
  • Shakeology shaker cup
  • 6 easy to follow 30 minute workouts
  • 21 Day Fix workout calendar
  • Dirty 30 bonus workout

21 day image

How does it work?

  • The eating plan shows you how to use the portion control containers
  • It’s super simple! Put your choice of food in the correct color coded container, if it fits you can eat it!
  • Do one 30 minute workout a day

21 day fix containers

This program will help you find out how easy portion control, exercise and weight loss can be. It will help teach you what healthy portions look like, you will not be hungry on this program.

I was astonished at the amount of food I could eat in a day and still lose weight. One of my students said to me after 4 weeks on the program “Mrs. Rogers you’re getting skinnier and skinnier everyday!” Since I have completed the 21 day fix I feel like my old self again. My stomach is actually flatter than it was before I had my son 2 years ago. I finally understand what healthy food actually is and what portion sizes to eat. I am a full-time working mom and a wife the 30 minute workouts fit in perfectly with my busy lifestyle. Anyone can do this program!



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