
Fitness has become a huge a part of my life. It helps keep me balanced in many ways. It’s my scheduled me time which has become an important part of my life. After becoming a mom I forgot how important it was to have that time to myself. It becomes second nature to just make sure everyone else is taken care of when you become a mother, we tend put ourselves on the back burner. When I first became a mom I would get this guilty feeling when I did things for myself, I felt like I was taking time away from Logan. Now that I have officially made it through the first 2 years of his life he’s all in one piece and I still have my sanity. I realized how important it is to make time for myself. Becoming a mother was the best thing I have ever done, but it also taught me the value in keeping that part of me that I was before I become a mother. Which has brought me back to how important fitness is in my life. I will be giving tips and tricks to help yourself active and healthy.

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