
I would have never thought I would be sitting in front of my computer typing out a blog post. But here I am doing just that. I have always thought blogs were a thing I could not do. I’m not a blogger, what important things do I have share? Well after some thinking and pondering (and a push from a best friend) I realized I do have a lot to share. I have only used Facebook as my Social Media to scroll through friends pictures or posts. I never really used it to connect with people, I now I wish have I would have started using it to connect with people sooner. If you are here you probably know me, if you just stumbled upon on this blog, welcome! I am a full-time 6th grade teacher. I have a 2-year-old son who is so full of life it amazes me some days that God blessed us with such a wonderful child. I have an amazing husband who is so supportive that he keeps me strong even when I don’t feel strong. 

I didn’t grow up worrying about what I ate,  I just ate whatever I wanted because I knew I would work it all off. Now that I am an adult (and the weight does not come off that easily) I made a decision to lead a healthier lifestyle so I can be a great role model for family. Trust me when I say it is not always easy there is always temptation which are always difficult to resist. I’ve found through this journey that it’s really about balance. Life is all about balance. This journey has taught me that it is really important to have balance in all aspects of my life. My workouts are my scheduled me time, when I am working out it resets my mind and my body. 

After suffering two miscarriages. I have found that faith is a very important aspect to that balance in life. While we do not always make it to church every week I know that God is watching over us all the times. It has taken a few years for me to realize that He really does not give you anything you cannot handle. While at times those things may not make sense they will in time. 

My blog will be a variety of family, life, fitness, recipes and faith. The balance of life. 

Stay tuned for more live, love and laugh!


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